One final scene: then it’s goodbye

A and B are in a prison visiting room.
A is shackled to a table and is being watched closely by armed guards.

A: I did this for you you know?
B: No you did not–
A: No, I did. I swear. All for you.
B: Really?
A: Yep.
B: I never asked you to…I never asked you to do any of it.
A: Still…
B: That…that little girl…
A: Yes?
B: Did she…did she…scream?
A: Yes.
B: A lot?
A: Yes.
B: You did this…hurt all those, you did it, you,  you–
A: For you.
B: That is so nice.
A smiles
B: No one ever does anything nice. Never…not for me anyway.  And then you come along and and…
A: All for you baby.
Now it’s B’s turn to smile.
B: I am going to miss you so much.
A: We’ll be together soon again. I promise you.  We will.
B whispers
B: I’ve found the next little girl.
A smiles and nods proudly
A: I knew you could do it. You need to be careful. Learn from my mistakes.  I couldn’t take it if you ended up in here with me.
B: I’ve planned it all out.
Another proud nod
A: Alright,  tell me your plan…


Published by: Tom Moriarty

**This blog began many years ago (2014) and my profile was due an update.** Once a wandering Irish man, now I find myself living well in beautiful Glasgow, Scotland. I am perhaps the first ever Creative Career Coach, a term I had to invent as my areas of expertise defy definition. I have the utmost joy of working daily with creatives, primarily actors. I advocate empowerment and positive self talk. I believe in the potential of all peoples and will take as long as necessary to convince you that you can be extraordinary. If you're just brave enough to take the first step. I am the Co-Director of innovative production company BOX Revolution Productions, working professionally as an actor, director and writer. I've been known to produce a film or two and currently, I am 40k words into my debut fantasy novel. All views are my own or are at least filtered through my understanding and applied to my own life. Onwards to glory.

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